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match mail book cover author shelly pulseIn addition to her postmistress duties in a small Wisconsin town, Carol Blake takes on the self-appointed role of the Marshal of Love and Justice. It is no accident that grieving widower Jake's car magazines wind up in divorced Sabrina's mailbox. Tempers explode when cheating Stan's mistress' lingerie catalog is bundled with the jilted wife's mail.

Perks come with the job of being the town's letter carrier. She knows everyone's business by the correspondence she delivers, both the good and the bad. Although Carol carries no badge, she's protected by the post office seal that grants her access to just about anywhere she wants to go. It serves as the perfect alibi for her reconnaissance missions to procure unwanted items for the moonlighting garage sales. What she does with the cash is a mystery. Can't she live on a postal worker's salary?

Carol has dirt on everyone, including the town cop, who makes her wobbly in the knees. But, she is growing weary. With all the love and hate piling on from the victims shot by her poisonous arrows as town Cupid, she's ready to retire. Who will take her place? She must choose from among the most unlikely of recruits. And will she then be shot by one of her own arrows? The last twenty years were too busy bringing joy to others to experience it herself. Can love be standing right in front of her and she was too blind to see it?

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